Gene Czebiniak, of Artistic Pursuits, created the cover design for the DVD. He also created the design for the original Opera Cowpokes CD. Thanks Gene!
Opera Cowpokes Alive! features the same quartet as the original Opera Cowpokes CD. Pictured here, in a scene from the video, are Peter Sicilian, Timothy LeFebvre, Steven Stull and Todd Geer. Photo by Dewey Neild
Opera Cowpokes Alive! was filmed at the CRS Barn Studio on the CRS Growers organic vegetable farm. The first frost of the season covers the barn roof while the morning sun highlights the changing trees and the mist rising from Cayuga Lake. photo by Steve Stull
Galumpha joins us for Ragtime Cowboy Joe in Opera Cowpokes Alive!. Galumpha tours regularly around the world, most recently with over 30 performances across Europe. On their latest trip, they began work on DVD to be released in Germany (and will arrive the US later without German subtitles!) The DVD includes Ragtime Cowboy Joe from our original album - Opera Cowpokes. Photo by Dewey Neild